Missing image aligning in WP templates

Filed under: , , , , , by: Keym4k3r

While testing various templates for Wordpress sites I have seen one common thing.
The tend to miss some piece of code responsible for image aligning.
Normally, when you insert the image to the post, or page, it has WP option to show left, centered, right or none align.
In some templates the picture shows at the same place, regardless of settings.
To get the correct position, you need to put the following code to style.css file :

p img {
padding: 0;
max-width: 100%;

img.centered {
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

img.alignright {
padding: 4px;
margin: 0 0 2px 7px;
display: inline;

img.alignleft {
padding: 4px;
margin: 0 7px 2px 0;
display: inline;

.alignright {
float: right;

.alignleft {
float: left

Some values can be altered suiting you needs, important are the names of classes.

PR 1 with a bit of surprise

Filed under: by: Keym4k3r

Actually, I didn't expected anything, but one day I have checked PR, and
it appeared that this blog has PR 1.
It is not much, but I didn't do anything to rank, I treat it as a kind of supported blog, where
I just write memos mainly for myself.

Anyway, a nice surprise.

Host for Blogger Templates Images

Filed under: by: Keym4k3r

Recently, when I wanted to change from the standard Blogger template to a more fancy one I've met a problem that at the beginning was looking to be hard to solve.
The part of a custom Blogger template are the images, but there is no possibility to store them on the blogspot themselves. The Picasa gives dynamic links very hard to copy, then you need to store the pictures on the separate host. You cannot put it on an average website, as hosts on average protect the pages from hotlinking. Even if, they take the bandwith that is usually limited.
The solution appeared to be quite simple. Photobucket.
It is free, and gives your picture a permanent URL, so you can link to it from blogspot pages.
There are also some other host that allow you to upload the images, but very often they are on dynamic URL so impossible to link to them.Another service Imageshack is OK but makes funny URL that are hard to copy.
Now with images stored on Photobucket you can easy change graphic details on your Blogger pages.

How to Hide the Navigation Bar

Filed under: by: Keym4k3r

Here is another snippet of code:

/* === Hide the NavBar === */
.Navbar {
display: none;
/* === Hide the NavBar === */

If you think that the navbar is not very important, just edit HTML of blogger template
and insert this code somewhere in the beginning.
Many custom templates already have the code implemented.

Some push to Dalian Tourism

Digg it , Bury it ?

Filed under: by: Keym4k3r

As in blogger there are no tools for social bookmarking on the default, you need one.
There are several widgets available, but you can get the code directly from the source.
On the page of Digg
there are several buttons available, with the code you can directly copy into your post.

Here is the traditional button

and here is the new one


When you digg it the result of the Digg page could be like this example.

Wordpress Revolution

Filed under: by: Keym4k3r

And I have seen the new template revolution on www.revolutiontheme.com
that looks very promising. The disadvantage is the price :
the single license is $70 , multiple use of one theme $150 and full set of ten templates costs $300.
The theme changes Wordpress engine into a static CMS, with cleaner code that Joomla and with hundreds of existing plug-ins.
Now I will try to gather opinions from theme users is it worth the price.

How to Install WordPress on Subdomain

Filed under: by: Rumburak

I've spend some time fighting to install Wordpress on a subdomain.
Every step was easy, jet pulled together didn't work.
Finally I 've seen the option in Wordpress settings.
Now the steps to remember.

1. create a subdomain.
2. create domain/subdomain/ folder.
3. install Wordpress on domain/subdomain/ folder.

Some of the steps are not necessary , on some hosts when you create subdomain it creates a folder automatically.
Also you can try to install Wordpress first, and then create subdomain that points to existing WP installation folder.

4. In WP Admin panel >> settings change the option
WP address (URL) from
and the same with the second
Blog address ( URL ) to
now it should work.

I also put here the entry to htaccess file, however this time
I didn't use it.
Solution below allows you to create only the subfolder, and the subdomain settings are in htaccess
in this case subdomain URL is cracovia.e-guia.info .

RewriteEngine On
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteBase /
Rewrite Rule for cracovia.e-guia.info
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} cracovia.e-guia.info$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !cracovia/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ cracovia/$1

it was however necessary to put htaccess file in /cracovia/ directory
to get redirection www.e-guia.info/cracovia/ --> cracovia.e-guia.info

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^cracovia\. [nc]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://cracovia.e-guia.info/$1 [L,R=301]